The best wallboxes for efficient charging solutions

Wide range of products
The range of wall boxes and charging stations for electric vehicles is now very diverse. An almost unmanageable number of suppliers are pushing into the market for electric charging solutions. In view of this wide range of products, customers are faced with a difficult choice: Which product is the right one for use at home or in a business environment?
Orientation is provided above all by independent tests, in the course of which the products themselves are not only put through their paces, but also scrutinized in many other categories..
Three chargEnjoy wallboxes among the top four in ADAC tests
Recent wallbox tests of the ADAC (02/2022) and Stiftung Warentest (issue 03/22) show: The wide range of products from, the specialist for charging solutions and exclusive partner of bellatec, includes the best rated products from both tests. With wallboxes of go-e, easee and three manufacturers from the offer of made it under the best four providers in the ADAC test.
The winner of the automobile club test is the go-eCharger HOMEfix (11kW), which convinces because of its affordable price, security, reliability and the very good app. In second place, the ADAC test ranks the Commander 2 from Wallbox Chargers, which is somewhat more expensive than go-e. According to the test results, it is just as good as the best wallbox in the test, but is also equipped with a touchscreen. In addition, the easee Home 10103 made it into the top four of the ADAC test because of its simple operation, safe charging performance and good app.
Test winner wallboxes at Stiftung Warentest
The top three products at Stiftung Warentest (03/22) also include two products from the range. The test winner at Stiftung Warentest, the go-eCharger HOMEfix (11kW), received the quality rating “Good” with an overall score of 1.8, as did the Commander 2 from Wallbox Chargers (also overall score 1.8). This puts both products at the top of the test and clearly shows that they are an excellent choice for customers looking for a reliable and safe charging solution.
These and other excellent wallboxes can be found online at, the specialist for intelligent and reliable charging solutions. For the complete planning and installation of these and other wallboxes, as well as many other services for the realization of charging solutions on site, the bellatec team is always available.
Sustainable e-mobility solutions
Sustainable e-mobility solutions: bellatec certified as a climate-neutral companybellatec GmbH, full-service provider of scalable electric car charging solutions for business and private customers, is consistently taking the next step on the path to maximum...
Your own wallbox: This is what you need to consider
Your own wallbox: This is what you need to considerPurchasing their own charging station for home gives drivers of e-cars the freedom of no longer having to rely on public terminals. But simply buying a wallbox, the majority of which now offer excellent quality and...
Sustainable e-mobility solutions
Sustainable e-mobility solutions: bellatec certified as a climate-neutral companybellatec GmbH, full-service provider of scalable electric car charging solutions for business and private customers, is consistently taking the next step on the path to maximum...
Your own wallbox: This is what you need to consider
Your own wallbox: This is what you need to considerPurchasing their own charging station for home gives drivers of e-cars the freedom of no longer having to rely on public terminals. But simply buying a wallbox, the majority of which now offer excellent quality and...